How to Read Your MEPCO Electricity Bill – Complete Guidance in a few lines

For all Mepco customers who pay high electricity bills but are still unaware of what they are paying for, this page will be one of the most educational resource for them. Sometimes due to the presence of so many different tax charges and other multiple resources, people get confused and frustrated about their Bill price.

Read MEPCO Electricity Bill Online in few simple steps

Therefore, in today’s article, we will be providing you with the best guidance for how to read your Mepco electricity Bill in a few simple steps and also tell you the meaning of some important additional charges.

Before that, if you are missing your Monthly Bill rate for this month then check MEPCO bill online through the 14-digit reference number.

How to Read MEPCO Electricity Bill Online?

As you can see from the pic below when it comes to reading the statement from Mepco (Multan Electric Power Company), various parts will tell you about the costs and consumption of energy. Let’s review this section:

how to read mepco bill details and understand it

Portion for Customer Information:

The customer information section is located at the top of the bill. Name, address, account number, billing month, meter reading date, reference number, and Mepco bill payment deadline are all included in this section. Examining this area is crucial since it will inform you of the payment’s timeliness and accuracy.

Meter Information and Calculation:

The information regarding your new meter connection is provided in this section. Numerous items are supplied, including 

  • the load,
  • connection information, 
  • meter number, 
  • and total unit utilized. 

It displays the reading on the meter right now.

MEPCO Charges:

You may discover information regarding taxes and surcharges in this section. Monthly tax amounts are subject to change based on the latest tariff per unit rate that Mepco and government authorities have established. The additional costs related to your electricity usage are shown in this section.

These fees cover the price that MEPCO pays for the production, transmission, distribution, and other operational costs involved in supplying power to its customers in the Multan region and the neighboring areas.

MEPCO Total Bill Amount:

This section shows the Total amount due for the billing period, including any taxes and levies that may be relevant.

Charges by the government:

Your monthly Mepco bill includes costs levied by the government. These fees consist of various surcharges such as 

  1. T.R. (tax rationalization) surcharge, 
  2. F.C. (financial cost), N.J. (Neelam Jhelum), and 
  3. PTV fee in addition to sales tax and GST.

A portion of these fees are applied every month, while other fees are determined by government regulations. You must read this section to understand the charges that the government has levied.

How to understand the charges on your MEPCO Electricity Bill?

Mepco’s electricity bills are loaded with fees. this fee was applied to the total amount of your bill. The following are the primary charges that appear on your bill:

Fuel adjustment charges:

The increased expense incurred by the electricity distribution firm as a result of fluctuations in the price of fuel used for power generating is referred to as fuel adjustment charges on an MEPCO (Multan Electric Power firm) bill. It is dependent upon the fluctuations in the monthly cost of Fuel.

Energy Charges:

A MEPCO (Multan Electric Power Company) bill’s energy charges represent the cost of the electricity the customer uses during a billing cycle. 

These charges are determined by the quantity of electricity that the user has used, measured in kilowatt-hours, or kWh.

Fees and Taxes:

Various taxes and charges, like general sales tax, Neelam Jhelum (NJ) tax, and Tariff Rationalization (TR) surcharge, are included in Mepco bills.

MEPCO Tariff and Billing Rate [2024 Updates]

Mepco uses a tiered tariff structure to determine how much energy will cost you. This demonstrates the significant fees you must pay and the amount of electricity you utilize. The Mecpo user’s current tariff includes:

  • Rs. 13.85 per unit for the first 50 units of electricity
  • The next 100 units of electricity will cost Rs. 15.49 each.
  • The next 100 units of electricity will cost Rs. 18.03 each.
  • For each additional unit of electricity, the cost is Rs. 20.8.

How to Calculate your MEPCO Bill?

You must know the amount of energy you used during the billing period and the most recent tariff prices in order to calculate your mepco bill. You can use the following calculation to determine your Mepco bill:

Total Bill = (Energy Charges x Total Units) + Fuel Adjustment Charges + Taxes and Fees

You find it crucial that you comprehend every component of the bill. to prevent you from keeping track of your electricity usage, staying updated on unit pricing, and figuring out where you’re making mistakes.


When discussing how to read a Mepco (Multan Electric Power Company) bill, various sections include information about energy consumption and costs, including those related to customers, meters, Mepco charges, government charges, the total bill, and electricity charges.

You find it crucial that you understand every component of the bill. for you to be able to keep an eye on how much electricity you’re using, stay current on unit prices, and spot mistakes.


 You can use the following calculation to determine your Mepco bill:

Total Bill = (Energy Charges x Total Units) + Fuel Adjustment Charges + Taxes and Fees

You can request that your electricity provider verify your payment status by giving them a call. Usually, they can let you know if your bill has been paid or not. You can also find out if your bill has been paid by going to the customer care office of your electricity provider and asking them to look up your payment history.

Indeed, these fees consist of several surcharges like F.C. (financial cost), N.J. (Neelam Jhelum), or T.R. (tax rationalization) surcharge in addition to power duty, PTV fee, GST, and sales tax. A portion of these fees are applied on a monthly basis, while other fees are determined by government regulations. You must read this section to understand the charges that the government has levied.

Use Customer ID to Check MEPCO Bill Online:

  1. Using your mobile, go to ‘’.
  2. To view the details of your bill, select the customer ID option.
  3. In the search bar, type a distinct 10-digit customer identification number.
  4. Click the “Search” button to continue.
  5. In a short while, the current MEPCO bill copy will be shown.

You find it crucial that you comprehend every component of the bill. For you to be able to keep an eye on how much electricity you’re using, stay current on unit prices, and spot mistakes.